
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Out of the Past ~~ Katie McFall

Out of the Past

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     I was extremely comfortable with warps in time. Even this! Waking up or whatever you want to call it and finding myself on the back of a horse. The girl in front of me wore a blue cotton dress and her blonde hair in pigtails. My arms were around her waist, and we were heading away from Grandpa Henry Mills’s farm, heading north toward town. By the sun’s position, I figured it had to be mid-to late afternoon.

     Thank God I had been riding horses all my life growing up in my real world and was comfortable riding bareback. I wished for a mirror to see who I was. Okay—not happening—think! I had to use what I had around me to figure it out. Riding beside me on a chestnut horse was my Wyman cousin Rose, namesake of Grandma Rose. Okay, so Rose and riding with her my grandaunt Lucy Mills, both being the same age, I thought they looked about sixteen years old. I glanced around. Two other horses were behind us. Grandaunt Joanna Mills and could that be—her first husband William Olson? I had never seen a photograph of him, but Joanna looked about nineteen so it could very well be him prior to their getting married.

     “We’ll make it just about on time,” Rose said. “Molly—do you hope Jackson Worth comes tonight?”

     She was asking me! Thank God, okay, so I am currently my grandaunt Molly Mills, and one year younger than my sister Lucy.

“He might be there,” I improvised. He was to become Molly’s husband a few years from this place and time.

     The girl in front of me turned to take a look at me over her shoulder. Katie McFall. I should have known by the flaxen hair. She was great-grandaunt Ivy Wyman McFall’s daughter and she was also a mutual cousin of both me and Dave Cameron.

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